I am Joe Sweeney, and I’m proud to announce that I am running to once again to represent Salem in New Hampshire’s House of Representatives.
We’ve seen a majority in Concord vote for disastrous bills that would burden our state’s economy and destroy the New Hampshire advantage.
I will always vote against an income or sales tax.
We’ve been blessed to have Gov. Chris Sununu in the corner office to veto those bills, but I want to be a part of a new majority that fights for the Granite State and preserves the New Hampshire advantage.
The unprecedented crisis we’ve faced in recent months will require a Legislature that works with the governor to rebuild our state’s economy.
Under Gov. Sununu’s leadership, our state built the strongest economy we’ve ever seen. We can rebuild that and surpass what we had.
I’m running to build a better Salem and an even greater New Hampshire. I hope your readers can join me on this campaign, and I hope to earn their support in the September primary and the November general elections.
Joseph Sweeney
Salem, N.H.