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Transform Your Life At TransformDojo in 2021

Transform Dojo Concord NH

Transform Dojo Concord NH

I had the pleasure of speaking with Jacob, the owner of TransformDojo in Concord, New Hampshire about his Kenpo karate business and why he chose to open it. Me; having zero karate experience, really wanted to get down to the basics. What exactly does TransformDojo stand for? Well to start, Jacob let me know that a “dojo” is a karate mat! 

His mission is to create an environment for people to feel comfortable while getting fit. While he was learning to mountain bike, rock climb, and many other sports, he realized that the confidence he gained from martial arts helped him become a better athlete. 

“Martial Arts changes lives and certainly has changed mine, in terms of confidence”, said Jacob.

Jacob explained to me that he first started Kenpo Karate in the year 2000 and got his Black Belt in 2008 and has been helping his instructor ever since. After working some time as a personal trainer (which he still does). He then took all the knowledge from his previous two instructors and opened TransformDojo in October of 2019. Yay for a little over one year!!

Everyone starts somewhere in terms of fitness and Jacob really stresses the importance of feeling comfortable where you decide to put in the work to become the best version of yourself.

There is a wide range of membership options that Jacob provides at TransformDojo. Not only does he provide in-person training, but his website also offers free training memberships online as well! 

What About COVID?

Jacob made sure to have many options available so if COVID is a worry, people are still able to work out and get fit from the comfort of their own homes. He even created an entire webpage dedicated to his plan.

Specific procedures have been put in place because of COVID  such as no more than 8 people in the location at any given time, masks need to be worn by the instructor, and everything is sterilized thoroughly. Also, because of COVID, Jacob has been able to offer 2 personal training sessions a week for the people with memberships.

Transform Dojo Free Classes

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