Ah, fall. Such a pretty time of year, and it almost end. Now the leaves are turning into a Crayola box of colors before dropping to the ground, and stars become a problem. Or, at least, a headache for golfers, and homeowners.
Concord’s Fall Leaf Collection will begin again this month with Bulk Collections beginning on November 1st and Bagged Collections beginning November 21st to get the city ready and prepared for winter.
Bulk leaf collection continues to occur as the season allows.
Residents are encouraged to rake leaves loosely to the curbside, where crews from Concord General Services will collect them in waves throughout different areas of the city. This year, starting locations alternate between residential neighborhoods within the City’s drainage system. Crew One starts at the Bow town line and works north, Crew Two starts at Blossom Hill Cemetery and works north towards Penacook, and Crew Three starts on Mountain Road near Fairview Drive.
To make bulk collections easier, Trackless Leaf Loaders will be used. These machines can collect leafy debris without requiring residents to bring them to the curb. To ensure that pile-up doesn’t occur during this time, citizens are asked not to gather leaves in heaps or leave them next to obstructions such as mailboxes, signs, and poles. Citizens are encouraged to lay down windrows of leaves against barriers such as sidewalks and edges of pavements so they don’t obscure streets.
Due to unpredictable leaf volumes at the curb and weather conditions, it is unknown when crews will reach certain areas for collection. Residents are encouraged to have leaves ready by the program’s start so they don’t miss out on their scheduled service. Crews can only come to areas once and will not be able to return to areas already collected.
The only area with a predetermined collection is the area near Concord High School. Residents in this area receive bulk collection each year on Veterans Day(November 11th) in coordination with the school closure to minimize public disturbance as much as possible and in consideration of public safety.
Bulk leaf collection is weather dependent. Residents are reminded that snow can delay street-side pick-ups; so to avoid suspension of service, residents should participate in the City’s bagged collections.
Bagged leaf collection will be available for three weeks to residents with curbside trash collection.
Leaves must be placed in biodegradable yard waste bags or in rigid containers labeled for leaves and must be at the curb by 7:00 a.m. each Monday, regardless of a resident’s designated trash day. Bagged leaf collection will not necessarily coincide with trash collection like in the spring; leaves may come first before – or last after- such days would designate them coming around one month later than they would when left out during other seasons. Residents should prepare their yard waste bagged up no later than November 21st through December 5th to ensure that they are ready when this service becomes available every week starting Monday mornings.
Introduced in 2018, this service was met with an enthusiastic response from residents and has increased opportunities for the city to collect leaves. The bagged collection is not weather dependent like the bulk collection. Still, residents are encouraged to be proactive and bag leaves ahead of any anticipated snow storms if necessary to avoid snow cover.
Alternative methods for leaf disposal include mulching leaves into the lawn, bringing them to a local accepting farm, or dropping them off at Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center (free with proof of residency). Brush, branches, and limbs are not acceptable materials for the City’s leaf collection but can be dropped off separately at Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center for a nominal fee.
Gelinas Excavation & Earth Materials Recycling Center is located at 10 Intervale Road, off Fort Eddy Road. It’s open 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays (closed on Saturdays), and will also be open on the Saturdays of November 5th, 12th, 19th, and December 3rd from 8-12 a.m.; closed on Thanksgiving day (November 26). Hours are weather permitting and should be confirmed by calling ahead of drop off.
Visit concordnh.gov/leafcollection to learn how you can contribute this fall and find maps of crews’ routes, finished collecting areas, frequently asked questions, and more.
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